Network Solutions — Pay More, Get Less

The two domains I was forced to register via Network Solutions (see the previous post) are still not live, two days later. I set the name servers correctly immediately after the domains were registered, created the corresponding name server records, and tested them. Then I waited. 24 hours.. no live domains. 48 hours.. no live domains! I called NSI’s technical support and, after about 30 minutes on hold, was told to preferably use their internal managed name servers, or if I really had to use my own name servers, reassign the name servers to the internal, then back to my own. In other words, “flip the switch” few times. Click. Click. Click. And then call them back some hours later if nothing happens. For this I had to pay $20 more per domain per year! Generally at GoDaddy the domains are live instantly, and at latest within an hour or two after registration. No fuss. I’m sure the same is true with many other good registrars out there, Network Solutions is just not one of them.